Field Projects

2024 Hurricane Response

Southern Baptists are ready to respond to ongoing critical needs in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl.

Texas-Oklahoma Wildfires

Send Relief and Southern Baptist Disaster Relief collaborate to assist ranchers and residents affected by significant wildfires across the Texas Panhandle and Oklahoma.

Israel-Hamas War

Send Relief is working with partners to quickly respond to needs amidst a rapidly unfolding conflict.

Hurricane Idalia

Southern Baptists are ready to respond to ongoing critical needs in the aftermath of Hurricane Idalia.

Hawaii Wildfires

Send Relief is supporting Hawaii Pacific Baptist Disaster Relief teams as they serve communities devastated by fires.

Sudan Crisis

Send Relief is responding to the needs of families impacted by the conflict in Sudan.

Tornado Response

Southern Baptists are among the first to respond to critical needs after tornadoes touch down across the U.S.