Fight Human Trafficking

Victims of human trafficking are just like you.

They are daughters and sons. They are highly educated and illiterate. They are in your community and around the world. They are often hidden in plain sight. The Enemy is indiscriminate and preys on the strong and vulnerable alike. But there is hope!

Ministry to victims and survivors can be complex, but Send Relief is here to help you and your church fight for freedom—both physical and spiritual.


How can we serve you?

Our team has decades of experience and is ready to help you start or grow a ministry. We would love to connect with you today.

[email protected]

Cassie Hammett

Cassie Hammett is the Founder of The Hub urban ministries in Shreveport, Louisiana, serving those in homelessness and poverty as well as women and children who have been sexually exploited or sex trafficked. She also serves as the City Strategist for Hope Church, Las Vegas, Nevada. She is a Send Relief missionary both to Shreveport and Las Vegas.


Los Angeles Ministry Center

Los Angeles Ministry Center

As the entertainment capital of America, Los Angeles has a lot to offer. From movie studios to celebrities, and world-class museums to Beverly Hills, Los Angeles is California’s largest and liveliest city. While there are roughly 10 million people living in Los Angeles County alone, more than 55,000 of these residents are experiencing homelessness, making L.A. the city with the second-largest unhoused population in all of America. But our Los Angeles Ministry Center is helping to change that.

From the Field: Fig Street

Lights. Camera. Action. Scene: it’s a warm summer’s day in Los Angeles. A shiny, fire-engine-red convertible is cruising down the Pacific Coast Highway—a joyful,…

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Fight Human Trafficking Prayer Guide

Fight Human Trafficking Prayer Guide

The beast that is human trafficking does not discriminate when taking people captive. While women are frequently trapped in sex trafficking rings, men are also subjected to the horrors of labor trafficking, and all are left traumatized by the abuse and dehumanization of their experiences. Survivors and advocates of anti-trafficking work are in desperate need...
Four Ways You can be a Freedom Fighter

Four Ways You can be a Freedom Fighter

There are more people enslaved today than there were at the height of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. While most of the focus on the news tends to veer towards women and girls, it is important to remember that men and boys are also exploited in this industry, too. In fact, according to many recent studies,...
Fighting Human Trafficking by Educating Families

Fighting Human Trafficking by Educating Families

This guide will show you how vital educating families is in the fight against human trafficking. You’ll also learn how to start ministries in your church that provide family education about human trafficking.
Partnering to Fight Human Trafficking

Partnering to Fight Human Trafficking

In this ministry guide, you’ll discover how broad of a problem human trafficking has become in North America. You’ll learn who is most at risk and how your church can create a ministry that provides recovery and hope to trafficking victims.
Backpack Ministry Guide

Backpack Ministry Guide

Respond to specific needs in your community as you share the hope of the gospel. This PDF combines our five backpack ministry guides and Discovering Needs in Your Community guide.
How to Put Together Short-Term Mission Trips

How to Put Together Short-Term Mission Trips

In this ministry guide, you’ll learn how to assemble and send people in your church into the mission field. America is arguably every bit a mission field as anywhere else internationally. Short-term mission trips are an excellent way to whet your church’s appetite for deeper missions involvement.