
Whether it be gifting low-income families with school supplies or helping refugees gain access to basic necessities, you can support various communities in need by packing bags using Send Relief’s guides.


(Protect Children & Families – North America)


What things do you take for granted? It can be something as small and simple as a backpack.

Unfortunately, many children across North America don’t know what it’s like to have an overstuffed backpack or even a backpack to call their own. In fact, thousands of children don’t even own enough personal items to completely fill a backpack. And because they are kids, their circumstances are beyond their control.

You can pack a backpack for kids across the country. Start by downloading our ministry guide!

However, you don’t have to limit yourself to only packing bags for children in the United States—there are many individuals across the world who don’t have access to basic human necessities. In South America, there are refugees fleeing their homes who would benefit from a bag of food, hygiene items, clothes and shoes. In Central Asia, hundreds of orphans need socks, uniforms, soap, shampoo and toothbrushes. In Southeast Asia, detainees at immigration detention centers need the essentials like food and toiletries to make it through the duration of their sentence.

With a donation of just $10, you can ensure that people in need around the globe get backpacks filled with the necessities they have been denied access to. A small gift can make a big difference!

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