Caring for Refugees Amid COVID-19

By Send Relief Staff

Many refugees throughout Central Asia are doing their best to find new ways to make money amid the coronavirus pandemic. One community of day laborers was already working 13-hour days for only $10 a day when their factory closed. On top of that, their host country recently severed refugees’ and displaced families’ access to medical care, so when Send Relief began distributing emergency food vouchers, it was a lifeline for many families.

Send Relief partners were able to give away grocery vouchers to approximately 180 refugees. By using these instead of food boxes, parents are allowed to retain their dignity and choose the produce that their families prefer. These families have been touched by the fact that believers from across the world are caring for them during this chaotic time.

One of the recipients, Noor, came to faith through these meetings with house church members. Her cousin, a local leader and imam at a mosque, called the believers she had spoken with, threatening their lives and ordering them to never speak to Noor again. For a week, our partners didn’t hear from Noor. Tensions were rising when Noor finally reached out and asked to join a weekly discipleship course. She was determined not to be stopped!

After the voucher distribution, more than 250 more families were given the remaining food and some medicine that was desperately needed. Most of these families are Muslim minorities, and local believers making the deliveries have been able to build valuable relationships in each new home. In many cases, your generosity has improved the relationship and standing of the local church within their communities, laying the groundwork for future gospel conversations.

For refugee families who don’t speak the same language, church leaders have even made PowerPoint presentations in their heart languages to share the love of Christ along with food parcels!

Send Relief partners have received several handwritten notes, voicemails and video messages expressing deep gratitude for your help during this unexpected time of need. Thank you for your consistent care and support of Send Relief’s outreach efforts overseas!

Published July 18, 2020

Send Relief Staff