Widow Sacrifices Food Rations to Help Neighbors Amid India’s COVID Crisis

By Send Relief Staff

One particularly impoverished rural region of India is still scrambling to cope with the onslaught of COVID-19 cases and rising mortality rates.

With so many workers being laid off who were already struggling to make ends meet pre-pandemic, the second wave of COVID has proved devastating for families relying on day-laborers’ wages.

Send Relief was able to help nearly 2,000 people in an area with one of the highest infection rates in the nation obtain emergency food rations, including packages of rice, flour, lentils and oil. Volunteers assisting in these distributions shared God’s Word with the desperate families, forging new friendships and leading people to restored hope in Christ.

The immediacy of these distributions empowered partners to gain access to communities that have previously been adamantly closed to the gospel, and they are looking forward to seeing spiritual fruit in the coming year.

One of the local volunteers who was significantly impacted by the lockdowns had little to share herself, but once she saw the need in her community, began frantically searching for items to donate. With no hesitation, she gave seven eggs, some bread and $7 in an act of generosity similar to the widow in Luke 21, “out of her poverty, giving all the livelihood she had” in an offering to God. Our partner shared, “Many believers just like this lady are giving sacrificially to these efforts. We sit in their tiny homes and see their need. Yet, because of what He has done and is still doing in them, they give, [regardless of the fact that] many of them are in need as well. Isn’t our God good?”

One of the greatest benefits of this project was the way the local church came together to distribute what little they had and put themselves at risk for the sake of their brothers and sisters. Pray for these families to be blessed in their generosity and for those who are grieving the loss of friends and family to be comforted in their time of mourning.

If you would like to continue helping communities in India suffering from ongoing outbreaks of

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Published August 11, 2021

Send Relief Staff