Water Filters Transform a Community

Suparman is a village leader. Wulandari is an elderly widow. They live in the same province as the Darmawan family and Hasan. It’s a large area, home to many with different backgrounds, social standing, occupations, family situations, and interests. Amongst the diversity, however, there is an overarching need that encompasses them all—the need for clean, safe drinking water.

Turns out, Suparman, Wulandari, the Darmawans, and Hasan, along with thousands of others found this need met in the same way—your generous donation and support of water filter distribution to communities in need.

In their community, water had been a scarce commodity. Clean water was a foreign concept. For years, they had to dole out precious income to purchase kerosene or firewood merely to make their water somewhat drinkable. Even at that, they were still plagued by water-borne illnesses. Those who sought out clean drinking water were forced to pay for outrageously high-priced bottled water.

That is no longer their story. Your gifts have not only provided filters to individuals but entire programs that teach basic sanitation and hygiene to the community. Your generosity created a ripple effect that engulfed whole communities in its wake of health and hope.

“Members of our community have been helped through the educational efforts in their understanding of safe drinking water and proper sanitation so that they can live healthier lives,” shares Suparman. “The ceramic water filters have become a solution for community members to have access to clean and healthy drinking water.

Wulandari shares, “Before I received a water filter, I had to look for firewood every day.  Now, I only have to look for firewood two times a week.”

The Darmawan family used to have to purchase kerosene to boil their water. It was expensive and left their home covered in smoke. Today, they can save that money and live in a clean, smoke-free home.

Hasan, though initially skeptical of the filter’s effectiveness is now not only a believer in the product; he’s endorsing it! “At first I was nervous about using the ceramic filter,” he says. “But after I tried it and I didn’t have any health problems, I became convinced that it works.  Now, even my neighbors have started using the filter in their homes after I shared with them about the benefits.”

If ever you doubt the profound impact you are making in this world, rest assured your compassion is reverberating around the globe in meaningful, lasting ways. Another family you helped has been using their filter for four years. That’s four years of clean, safe water. Four years of savings. Four years of better health.

Your gifts matter.

Your gifts last.

Continue giving and praying for those in need and celebrate the victory of health, happiness, and hope.

Give more communities like this the water filters they need!

Donate today.


Published March 19, 2019