International Refugee Care

Today, we are experiencing the largest global displacement of people in recorded history. Send Relief is coming alongside refugee communities to support them physically, spiritually and mentally as they establish a new home.


(Care for Refugees – International)


Imagine having to flee your home because of armed conflict, human rights violations or a devastating disaster. Imagine the trauma in your hometown is so real that you must make the heart-breaking choice to flee, even though you want to stay. And imagine leaving behind jobs, business, homes, friends and everything familiar.

There are an estimated 100 million displaced persons in the world today Some are refugees, who have crossed country borders. Some are internally displaced peoples who remain in their country but are forced to leave their homes. Partner with Send Relief to show Jesus’ love for these families by providing items such as blankets, food packets, hygiene kits and more.

Our Impact

In 2021, over 107,000 refugees received assistance from Send Relief Partners.